16 Sep 2024
What is a Re-Roof?

A re-roof is the process of laying new materials on an old roof. This can be a range of roofing materials such as tile, colorbond sheets, or in some cases asphalt shingles. A re-roof is a popular option because it extends the life of your roof because you completely replace the materials, removing any issues that your roof once had. Removing an existing roof is a big job, but putting a new roof on gives you the best result to overcome any leaks, cracks or issues that your old roof has.
The process of Re-Roofing
1. Assessment/ Quote
Once you contact a roofing contractor an assessment will be organised. An assessment is where roofing contractors look at errors, faults and damages that your roof has. It is also known as a roof inspection.
2. Preparation
You roof will be cleared from the previous materials, all surfaces will be primed and weather proofed, ready for the new materials to be placed.
3. Installation
Once the surfaces are prepared, the new roof materials are installed on top of the roof frame, creating a new layer which will be extremely durable and long lasting, especially in the harsh Australian weather climates.
Should I Re-Roof or have a Roof Restoration?
Before you consider a re-roof, a roof restoration should be something that you consider. Especially if your roof is in a reasonable condition. The re-roofing and roof replacement cost can be quite high for majority of Australian's, so considering a roof restoration is a popular alternative.
A restoration involves cleaning, repairing and resealing your roof to fix up damages and restore its appearance. Not only having a functioning roof is important, but a roof that has an appealing look is important for property value.
When is a Roof Restoration Appropriate?
Talking to your local roofing company is the best way to find out what is right for your roof.
Minor Damage
If a roof has small damages, such as a small leak, cracks or other minor issues with the roofing material a restoration is the best beneficial resolution to fix these issues without having a complete roof replacement.
Cosmetic Wear
Growth, colour fade and paint issues can be another issues solved with roof restoration. As cleaning and the application of protective coatings on damaged areas can increase the efficiency and strength of the roof.
Preventative Maintenance
Roof restorations are an easy way to help prevent major issues long term with roofs. Addressing minor problems is a more cost effective way to ensure that your a roof is strong and reliable.
When is a Re-Roof Necessary?
There are scenarios where a roof restoration is not able to properly repair a roof, and a re-roof installation is necessary.
Shingle Damage
When roof shingles are damaged to a large scale, either being cracked or missing a re-roof will be the most effective way to repair evenly.
Structural Concerns
If there is signs of structural problems of your roof suck as sagging or a compromised roof deck re-roofing can strengthen the whole roof area.
Persistent Leaks
Even after a roof restoration, some leaks can still hang around. This could indicate that the integrity of the roof is compromised. Re-roofing ensures that all the underlying issues are fully resolved.
A roof restoration is often the first and cheapest step in maintaining a roof, fixing minor issues and improving the appearance. However, when specific and significant issues arise, that is when roof replacements, or a re-roof is the necessary action. Contact Newcastle Roofing Professionals today, and our expert team can provide you with the help you need!
Newcastle Roofing Professionals are a licensed and insured network of highly skilled roofing tradesmen delivering outstanding products, services and, most importantly, workmanship for over three decades.